This is the easiest and most delicious way to cook bacon and eggs. All you need is a 24-person sheet pan!

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  2. Spread a layer of bacon on the bottom of the sheet pan.
  3. Top with a layer of eggs, making sure they are evenly spaced out.
  4. Repeat these steps until all the bacon and eggs are used up.
  5. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until the bacon is crispy and the eggs are cooked to your liking. Serve hot! ..

For busy families or feeding a big crowd at Christmas or Thanksgiving, making breakfast for everyone has never been easier. With a few simple ingredients, you can cook bacon and eggs on a sheet pan in less than five minutes. And because it cooks evenly, you can serve everyone at the same time. While it is not the only way to serve them it is one of the best for a crowd; see the other top ways of 2022 to cook bacon and eggs for a family gathering. For smaller quick bacon servings – air fryer bacon is great, you can also put air fried bacon into the sheet pan with the eggs. What’s more, in one oven, you can usually cook three sheet pans – which is typically enough for 12 people. Many modern homes have two ovens, and now from this simple recipe, you can feed up to 24 guests almost simultaneously. We will also cover just how much sheet pan bacon and eggs per person, you see the amazing history of how bacon came to America here.

Here’s how You Make Sheet Pan Bacon and Eggs!

You can use whatever bacon you like here. I used thick-cut applewood smoked bacon because it’s delicious. If you want to add some flavor, try adding a little maple syrup and/or Dijon mustard. Finely diced chives or green onion are also great for garnishing sheet pan bacon & eggs. Toast or biscuits are good accompaniments. I served mine over grits, with some hollandaise sauce on the side.

How Much Sheet Pan Bacon and Eggs Per Person

Sheet pan bacon and eggs are one of those dishes that everyone loves. They’re quick to cook and taste delicious. But how much do you really need? We’ve been experimenting with sheet pan bacon and eggs for some time now, and we think we’ve figured out the perfect amount per person. We tested our method on 8 people, cooking 2 full-sized  18 by 13-inch sheet pans. Each batch or tray had had 8 slices of bacon and eight large eggs. Here’s what we found: One sheet pan of bacon and eggs will easily feed 4 people and generously. My wife said that it would feed 6, but when catering to a crowd, it is always better to over cater.  Two sheet pans of bacon and eggs will feed 8 people, with room for a few seconds. Three sheet pans of bacon and eggs will feed 12 people, with room for a few seconds. You can easily cook three sheet pans in one oven. Four sheet pans of bacon and eggs will feed 16 people, with a little leftover. Five sheet pans of bacon & eggs will feed 20 people, giving some guests seconds. Six sheet pans of bacon and eggs will feed 24 people. You will need two ovens of 6 sheet pans to feed 24 people bacon and eggs.

Add in ideas for Sheet-pan Eggs with Bacon

A simple scrambled egg mix can also be used and is quick and easy to make. But it takes some creativity to come up with interesting ways to flavor eggs. Here are some ideas to try out.


Can You Make Sheet Pan Bacon and Eggs Ahead of Time

This breakfast dish is great for hosting brunch parties. You can make it ahead of time and keep it warm in the oven while guests are still arriving. It can also be made up to 2-3 days before and reheated. You must keep it in the fridge and airtight.

How Do You Cook Eggs and Bacon at The Same Time

  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.2. Put bacon in an oven-safe pan.3. Crack eggs into another pan.4. When the bacon is done cooking, put it over the top of the egg.5. Bake until the yolk is set.

Can You Bake Bacon and Eggs in The Same Pan

Yes, you can bake bacon and eggs together in the same pan. But you need to be careful not to burn them.To prevent burning, use a nonstick parchment paper on your pan sheet. To avoid sticking, you can also add some oil or release spray. And to ensure everything cooks evenly, flip the bacon halfway through baking. Bacon and eggs are delicious when cooked together. They’re perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, or dessert.

When Cooking Bacon and Eggs, What Do You Cook First

When cooking in a sheet pan, the bacon takes longer, so that is cooked first, followed by the eggs.