There are a lot of things you can do to make eating healthy easier and more fun. Here are some tips:

  1. Make a list of healthy foods to eat when you have the time. This will help you plan your meals and make sure that you’re getting the right nutrients.
  2. Get organized. When you have a list of healthy foods, it will be easier to find them when you need them and also easier to remember what they are.
  3. Try different recipes. There are so many delicious and nutritious recipes out there that it’s hard not to try them all! You might even find something new that you love!
  4. Get organized with your kitchen tools. If cooking is one of your favorite things, having everything in one place will make it much easier! You’ll also be able to see what ingredients are in each dish before starting, which will save time and energy later on!

If you haven’t known yet, there is a wide range of healthy foods to choose from. In this article, we are going to help you choose which food will get into your grocery cart. Whether you are a vegan, or pescetarian, or keto diet, or whatever diet you are in, the list below will surely give you an idea of what to pick.  Let’s get started!

What are the most healthy foods?

1. Onions

If you are looking for detoxifiers, antiseptic, and antibacterial food, then the Onions should be a pick for you. Enough consumption of onions can cure gastric ulcers because of their ability to fight off free radicals as well as preventing the development of Heliobacter pylori, which is a growth-forming microorganism.  Onions contain quercetin, which generates vitamin E, which helps inhibit low-density lipoprotein oxidation and deactivates the toxic results of chelate metal ions. Moreover, Onions can also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and thrombosis. It contains a high amount of antioxidants that prevent oxidative damage to the body cells and tissue. More of its high contents are dietary fiber, vitamin C, calcium, protein, and iron.

2. Garlic

Garlic is very beneficial to gut health and blood pressure since it is another kind of prebiotic food. It is an antioxidant that is certified to help in preventing stomach ulcers, lower blood pressure, indigestion, bowel disorders, growth of bacteria, and infection. The said prevention is because of its healthy contents like Allicin, selenium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and manganese. Moreover, Garlic is also one of the natural solutions for fungal infection, ringworm, eczema, athlete’s foot, and other parasitic infections. Not only that, but it could also be a good natural mouthwash that could effectively remove the bad smell and wash off cavity-causing bacteria on the mouth’s surface and replace it with a minty, refreshing breath.

3. Broccoli

It is long been known that broccoli is one of the healthiest greens that you could give to your body. It has numerous beneficial contents such as Vitamin A, vitamin B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, minerals, potassium, calcium, beta carotene, fiber, and antioxidants, which are all needed in the body. The above-mentioned contents are helpful in preventing cancer. Also, the sulforaphane content, a phytochemical, is essential for detoxification from airborne toxins usually caused by air pollutants like cigarettes and engines. Further, Broccoli is also linked to decreasing the risk of common problems due to aging such as cataracts, night blindness, and macular degeneration, all thanks to its vitamin A, lutein, and zeaxanthin contents. Lastly, it has the ability to help your body develop stronger bones and bone mineral density due to its high levels of vitamin K content, which can reduce the risk of bone fractures due to osteoporosis.

4. Spinach

High levels of antioxidants such as zeaxanthin and lutein are what spinach is known for just like other green vegetables. These two antioxidants reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Spinach is also a good source for the increase in bone health since it has high levels of vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin C, folate, manganese, and magnesium. Its huge amount of iron can also help in energy production, DNA synthesis, and enhancing the function of red blood cells that transport oxygen all over the body. Plus, the levels of chlorophyll that contains phytochemicals are high enough to give you anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory benefits. Spinach is also good in preventing type 2 diabetes and heart disease since it is very low in calories, which is also recommended for people who need to lose weight. 

5. Kale

The high nutritional content and benefits of Kale are the reason why it is called the “Queens of Greens”. A few of its benefits that it can give to the body are by aiding good digestion and lowering blood sugar levels and cholesterol due to its high fiber content. It also contains prebiotics that fuels the gut health that supports the immune system. Kale is also studied to have a good amount of vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory. The high iron content is also essential in enzymes and hemoglobin that aids proper liver function, transportation of oxygen, and cell growth. The vitamin K found in Kale is also helpful in keeping the blood from clotting, maintains healthy arteries, building stronger bones.

6. Zucchini

Zucchini is an excellent solution to digestive problems especially Chron’s disease and irregular bowel syndrome due to its high fiber content. It is a diuretic food that is effective in eliminating the waste to pass smoothly in the digestive tract as well as softening the stool. To reduce inflammation in the gut area, Zucchini can efficiently produce short-chain fatty acids that provide nutrients. Furthermore, it adds more health benefits to the body, especially with those heart disease. It reduces bad LDL cholesterol through its pectin content, a type of fiber that helps with balancing cholesterol levels. The potassium content found in Zucchini can also dilate blood vessels, which is good in halting high blood pressure that can eventually lead to stroke and heart attack. The vitamin C and polyphenols content are also good in improving the adrenal and thyroid glands which are efficient in controlling the cardiovascular, metabolism, and digestive functions of the human body system.

7. Celery

Celery is highly nutritious since it is mostly made up of protein, water, low calories, vitamins, and minerals like vitamin K, calcium, folate, and potassium, which are all needed for maintaining a healthy heart, preventing blood clots as well as producing red blood cells. Celery is proven to be healthful in controlling high blood pressure because of its flavonoid plant chemical contents called 3-n-butyl phthalide and apigenin. It is also effective in treating digestive mucosa, gastric ulcers, neuronal density, type 2 diabetes, bowel cancer, stroke, and preventing the risk of heart disease.

8. Almonds

Another good source of fiber is almonds. This food keeps your gastrointestinal tract effectively function, especially in eliminating wastes. Almonds can be used as slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates, hence a good remedy for weight loss as well as preventing diabetes and high blood sugar levels. The magnesium content in Almonds is found to be a good source of lowering blood pressure. Its protein and antioxidants from Almonds can also help the body in producing healthy cells and preventing premature aging and cell oxidation. Plus, vitamin A and vitamin E contents are effective in moisturizing the skin, hence getting rid of dry and flaky skin. Usually, the almond oil extracted from Almond is used and produced as an effective ingredient in beauty essentials, especially in making the hair shine and grow beautifully.

9. Walnuts

Just like other nuts, Walnuts are not just for mere fun snacking but can also be consumed for protection from cardiovascular problems, type 2 diabetes, and metabolic syndrome due to their antioxidants and anti-inflammatory contents. It can also be a good supplement in preventing cancers like breast and prostate cancer since it has phytonutrients containing flavonol morin and tannin. The high amount of vitamin E can also be good protection from heart disease if consumed in a proper portion.  Another high amount of nutrients found in Walnuts are omega-3 fatty acids, biotin, molybdenum, copper, and manganese.

10. Turmeric

Turmeric is part of the ginger family that contains numerous health benefits to the body. It is rich in Curcumin that is responsible for producing healthy cells and absorbing older cells in the bone. Curcumin content is also essential in aging since it helps to maintain strong bones for body support. Osteoporosis can also be preventive by maintaining a stronger bone and through the Curcumin content. Also, the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant contents in Turmeric are high enough to fight off pancreatitis, arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease. It is also proven that Turmeric can improve the endothelial function of the thin membrane that covers the inner part of the heart and blood vessels, hence preventing heart diseases and proper regulation of blood pressure, especially when linked to aging. 

11. Dark Chocolates

Dark chocolates are high in serotonin, which comes from the phenethylamine compounds, which are processed in the body system. Serotonin is a mood-regulating chemical content that is essential in boosting a person’s mood. One of the best and effective uses of dark chocolates is by fighting off depression in a person. Studies have shown that the theobromine content, which is similar to caffeine, in dark chocolates can result in a dip in blood pressure, thus giving more energy to the body. Dark chocolates can also improve the LDL cholesterol in the body through their antioxidant content. It has been shown that this healthy food can prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can result in atherogenesis, a condition that can lead to organ damage and cancer due to the degeneration in the arteries.

12. Quinoa

If you are looking for an alternative for starchy grains, then Quinoa is the best answer for that! This healthy food is very low in carbohydrates and contains complete amino acids including isoleucine acids and elusive lysine. These amino acids are essential in systems that cannot be found in any other grains.  More of the healthy contents found in Quinoa is the anti-inflammatory properties that particularly have phytonutrients that are important in the treatment and prevention of various diseases. Quinoa is also high in dietary fiber and low in carbohydrate content, which is good for the low-GI diet. Quinoa is also the only grain that contains very low monounsaturated fat and is very high in omega-3 fatty acid content. 

13. Chia Seeds

Making an after-workout smoothie? Try to add Chia seeds to it! This food contains a very high amount of fiber that helps your gut health in maintaining a good condition and aking your stomach fuller for a long period. This can also be a good alternative for weight loss since it can help reduce your appetite, hence can help in improving triglyceride levels, blood sugar, especially for type 2 diabetes. Chia seeds could be used as an alternative for meat since it contains a good amount of protein and calcium for stronger muscles and bones. Moreover, it can help you achieve a balanced diet since Chia seeds are classified as superfoods because of their numerous health nutrients like fiber, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids (linoleic and alpha-linolenic), protein, zinc, and phosphorus. 

14. Flaxseed

Just like Chia seeds, Flaxseed also contains more than enough nutrients to meet the daily nutritional needs according to the nutritionists. One of its popular use is by easing menopausal symptoms for women. If consumed regularly, it can be a good remedy for menstruation discomforts and irregular periods. It can also help in maintaining balanced hormones since it can help to decrease the high levels of estrogen through its lignan content.  Flaxseed can also be used in weight loss due to its satiety value that helps your stomach feel fuller all the time. Moreover, it helps in lowering blood sugar levels as well as LDL cholesterols. The important nutrients found in Flaxseed are fiber, phosphorus, protein, magnesium, and calcium. 

15. Lemons

Whether on food or drinks, lemon plays a tasty and healthy role for all of us. The citric acid content in lemons can be a good solution for urinary citrate deficiency, a common cause of kidney stones thus decreasing the painful urination experience. Also, consuming enough amount of lemon with water or tea every day, especially early in the morning before meals, can help in dehydration and detoxification in the body.  Citrus fruits, like lemons, contain a lot of vitamin C, which is a great help for the immune system in fighting off sickness. Lemons also contain antioxidant properties like phytonutrients that prevent the results of oxidation in the body such as cell damage and other diseases. It is also a good solution for the proper regulation of blood pressure as well as the circulation of nutrients and wastes in the body due to its high potassium content that is considered to be essential in nerve-muscle communication.

16. Avocado

Avocado is rich in phytonutrients that are linked to preventing breast and prostate cancers. The high-fiber content in this fruit is also beneficial to those who are obese or overweight who are trying to reduce their body mass index. This is because Avocado is good in reducing blood sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. The monounsaturated fats (healthy fats) found in Avocado can also reduce the risks of heart diseases. It also has vitamin E and glutathione, which can be used in improving the skin’s condition as well as skin healing. Vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, potassium, folate, and magnesium are the few vitamins and minerals found in Avocado.

17. Eggs

Eggs are famous as an alternative for meat because it is high in protein, too. Moreover, other high nutrients are also found in eggs such as vitamin A, vitamin B12, vitamin D, potassium, calcium, choline, phosphorus, and magnesium.  Eggs can also improve eyesight due to their carotenoids and the compounds found in them such as lutein and zeaxanthin. These can provide a healthy eye and prevent the deterioration of vision and cataracts while aging. More than the eyes, Eggs can also benefit the brain’s health by enhancing muscle control as well as memory and mood. Vitamin B, especially choline, is proven to be helpful in preventing cardiovascular diseases, dementia, and other brain dysfunctions. 

18. Oatmeal

If you are planning to avoid consuming white rice, then Oatmeal can be a good substitute for that. These healthy oats are full of nutrients and minerals that the body should have. Oatmeal can slow down the digestion of food in the intestine to keep the blood sugar level from rising rapidly. This is because of the high content of beta-glucan, which is beneficial for people who have type 2 diabetes.  Oatmeals are also popular for their soluble fiber content that can help in reducing LDL cholesterol by causing the liver to function well in pulling down LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream. Moreover, it can also protect the heart and reduce the risks of developing heart disease because of its avenanthramide (AVE) compound. 

19. Pickles

Pickles are usually added to burgers, sandwiches, or sauces that are usually left unnoticed. But this low-calorie, fiber-filled food is beneficial to your weight loss. According to professionals, one large pickle contains 2 grams of belly-filling fiber and 15 calories. Meaning, eating four or five can actually leave you satiated for less than a hundred calories already.  Acidic food, such as pickles, can help burn off carbohydrates up to 40 percent. Meaning, the sooner your body will start burning fat if the faster it burns off carbs.  

20. Potatoes

Do you know that the digestible starch found in potatoes can turn into resistant starches if you put it into the fridge and eat them cold? This process is called retrogradation, which prevents the fat-fighting powers of potatoes. Meaning, the resistant starch will resist digestion that increases abdominal fat and oxidation in the body. So, eating potato by baking it in the oven is better to make it healthier. To achieve this, bake red potatoes in the oven until thoroughly cooked and allow them to cool. Next, cut them into tiny pieces and dress them with mustard sauce with chopped green onions, pepper, plain Greek yogurt, and dill. 

21. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are actually full of fiber and potassium. A study in the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition states that the higher consumption of vitamin A-rich vegetables, especially sweet potato leaves and garland chrysanthemum can give prevention from lung cancer. Not only that but a large sweet potato actually contains 25 percent of the daily’s belly-filling fiber and 4 grams of satiety-boosting protein, which is 11 times the recommended daily intake of vitamin A. 

22. Mushrooms

Mushrooms are part of the fungi family that is a great source of potassium since it is considered to be all-star healthy food. According to studies, Mushroom extracts that were tested were found out to be effective in the reduction of prostate tumor size and tumor cell proliferation. Plus, it is a good alternative for red meat since it is also meat-like in texture and has higher nutrients. Its potassium content is essential in reducing blood pressure, decrease the effects of high-sodium food, and recovery of muscles. Aside from being fat-free and low-calories, Mushrooms can also increase the immunity in our body. 

23. Beets

Vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and manganese are the few nutrients found in Beets. These nutrients are helpful in acting as the immune-booster in the body as well as improving healthy nerves, muscles, bones, kidneys, liver, and pancreas. These red-ruby roots can also help repair and regenerate cells in the liver since it contains betalains, a type of antioxidants that helps to detox the body primary organ. Additionally, Beets also contain nitrates that help those patients who have chronic kidney disease to lower their blood pressure.

24. Eggplant

The Journal Molecular Nutrition & Food Research published a study that anthocyanins and other flavonoids found in an Eggplant can provide a variety of great benefits in the human body. A few of these benefits include the decrease of high sugar levels, obesity, prevention of cardiovascular disease, and improvement of visual and brain functions such as reducing inflammation and enhancing a sharper short-term memory of the human brain. 

25. Pomegranates

Pomegranates are usually consumed as a flavoring in a salad or adding it into a smoothie to boost the beverage’s nutrient content. this healthy food is not just a flavor enhancer but actually gives nutrients to the body, too. The International Journey of Obesity concludes that Pomegranates can help fight weight gain through their contents such as fiber that is found on the fruit’s edible seeds, tannin, antioxidants, anthocyanins, more.

26. Grapes

The high sugar content of grapes is usually the reason why it is overlooked, especially with those with diabetes. But if you don’t have any health concerns particularly in your sugar levels, then grapes should definitely be part of your snacks every so often.  This fruit and its juice are studied to have anti-cancer effects because of its rich resources of resveratrol, a phytochemical used to prevent cancer. Moreover, research recommends that resveratrol contains anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidant that prevents the damages that trigger the cancer process in tissue, cell, and animal models. This kind of phytochemical found in grapes is considered to inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells through apoptosis and anti-estrogenic effects. 

27. Oranges

Oranges are another kind of citrus fruit that is packed with Vitamin C. According to experts, consuming one orange can already provide you 130 percent vitamin C, which is more than enough the day. In 2012, a report that the Journal of the American Association published stated that the flavanone found in oranges when consumed in a higher amount, may decrease the chances of developing an ischemic stroke. This study showed a result that women who consumed a high amount of flavanone had decreased by 19 percent chance of ischemic stroke more than the women who consumed the least amount.

28. Green Tea

Green Tea has always been known as the healthiest, oldest drink for people. This tea is proven to have fat-burning properties such as EGCG, which is a group of antioxidative compounds that can definitely destroy adipose tissue by reviving the body’s metabolism and quickly release fat from cells that results in an increase in the liver’s ability to burn fat.  More than that, Green Tea has the capacity to support your weight loss especially if combined with daily exercises. 4 to5 cups of Green Tea a day with a 25-minute workout can help you shed pounds than non-tea drinkers, according to The Journal of Nutrition.

29. Oolong Tea

Oolong Tea is an ancient Chinese beverage that is used for weight loss and decreasing blood pressure. In 2009, the Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine published a study that Oolong Tea can shed up to six pounds over the course of six weeks for those who regularly consume it. Another study from the Journal of Medical Investigation proves that Oolong Tea burns twice more calories than Green Tea.  It also has the ability to boost the immune system and proven to lower the risk of infections like the common cold. The increase of the energy expenditure (EE) would translate to a 35% to 43% increase inf at burning due to the polyphenol content of Oolong Tea. 

30. Kombucha

Kombucha, also known as SCOBY, is a fermented drink mixed with green or black tea and forms a symbolic culture of yeast and good bacteria. This healthy tea can help balance good bacteria in the gut area and boost the immune system since it contains enough amount of prebiotics. In fact, researchers have proven that this drink can fight off pathogenic bacteria because of its ability to enhance immunity through its anti-microbial properties. Take note, it doesn’t just improve your immunity but also your digestive system, too!

31. Bone Broth

Bone Broth has gained its popularity just recently. This healthy drink is proven to be effective in weight loss. According to a study, those who regularly take Bone Broth were able to decrease the serum CRP, an inflammation biomarker level, by 23 percent. This stock also contains high levels of gelatin which will help rebuild your gut lining to give extra support to your anti-inflammatory gut microbes.  Also, this will help you prevent arthritis and joint pain due to the collagen, glucosamine, and other nutrients broken down from animal bones (cartilage and tendons), usually from chicken or beef.

32. Halibut

Aside from having high protein content, Halibut is surprisingly rich in fiber and satiety more than oatmeal and vegetables. Halibut ranks as the second most filling food next to potato according to The Satiety Index of Common Foods. This white fish contains few of the hormones that are responsible for the appetite signals. It contains high levels of serotonin and protein. Moreover, it is also a good source of vitamin B12, vitamin B6, and folic acid that are great in reducing the levels of homocysteine compound that can damage the artery walls in the body. Halibut is also found to be rich in selenium, an antioxidant that enhances the functioning of the liver.

33. Light Canned Tuna

Light Canned Tuna acts as the primary source of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and protein. This healthy food is commonly known to be rich in omega-3 fatty acids, specifically DHA. This fatty acid is proven to be effective in down-regulating fat genes in the abdomens as high as 40% to 70% than EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Aside from being an affordable food for weight loss, it is also considered a “low mercury fish” and can be fully enjoyed for up to 12 ounces or three times a week, according to the Food and Drug Administration guidelines. 

34. Beans

Did you know that Beans are always associated with longevity? Not only that, but it is also known to support your weight loss since Beans digest very slowly, which aids your stomach to feel fuller for a long period. Also, beans are loaded with nutrients that your body needs such as antioxidants, protein, vitamins, and minerals that can benefit both your muscles and brain.  Beans are also recognized to be of great help to the heart. These tiny foods contain a rich amount of soluble fiber, which can reduce triglyceride levels and cholesterol. If you are concerned with the sodium levels of beans, you can easily reduce 40 percent of sodium by dipping them into the water for several minutes.

35. Greek Yogurt

If you are a fan of dairy products and plan to switch from healthy foods, then Greek Yogurt would be a perfect choice for that. This creamy, delicious food is proven to be rich in probiotics that can help obese people to lose as close as twice the weight compared to those who did not consume this product, says the British Journal of Nutrition.  The probiotics found in Greek Yogurt can improve your metabolism and boost your immune system. Take note, make sure to read the labels when purchasing a Greek Yogurt since some have added sugars and protein that can be too much for your body. Compared to regular yogurts, Greek Yogurts should have a lesser amount of sodium, sugar, and carbs.

36. Shelled Pumpkin Seeds

Shelled Pumpkin Seeds best for healthy snacking since it contains vitamins and minerals such as high levels of protein, zinc, vitamin B complex, vitamin E, alkaline, and magnesium. These seeds are also a good source of healthy fats that can make you feel fuller and energized throughout the day. If you are into salads, it would be a great idea to add these seeds. Shelled Pumpkin Seeds are also a natural remedy for prostate problems as well as high cholesterol levels and inflammation. Tryptophan, a kind of amino acid, is also found in these seeds which can help your body convert serotonin, which is then converted into melatonin, a sleep hormone.

37. Pistachios

Just like other nuts, Pistachios are also nutritious. Planning to have it during your snack break? Good! These green-colored nuts are best for post-exercise snacks since it has the capacity to meet the exercise needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.  Consuming enough amount of pistachios every day can help women with gestational diabetes control their blood sugar levels. Also, Pistachios contains fiber, protein, healthy fats, and other nutrients that your body needs. The vitamin B6 found in Pistachios can definitely help regulate healthy red blood cells and helps maintain healthy lymph node glands such as the spleen, thymus, and lymph nodes. Vitamin A and vitamin E can also fight off risk from heart diseases as well as inflammation in the body.

38. Cashews

Constipation, headaches, muscle cramps, and insomnia are a few of the health problems that can be reduced by consuming cashews. This healthy snack is a good source of magnesium, calcium, copper, and protein as well as unsaturated fats for your heart’s health. It is also rich in phytosterols, which is a phytonutrient that can block cholesterol from absorption. The antioxidants found in Cashews are good in fighting off aging. It is also high in copper that removes free radicals and is high in energy and dietary fiber for weight loss support. 

39. Peanut Oil

Peanut oil is popular for its monounsaturated fat called OEA or oleic acid. This healthy fat can help reduce your appetite and thus promote weight loss if mixed with your food. Aside from using Peanut Oil to have a refreshing massage, it can also be used to relieve arthritis pain, boost your heart health, improves blood circulation, and fights away dandruff in the scalp. Lastly, this type of oil is proven to be effective in boosting memory, according to the University of California. 

40. Avocado Oil

Avocado Oil is perfect for your skin problems. Vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and antioxidants can be a perfect remedy to achieve healthy skin and relieve skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, dry hair, and hair loss. This oil can also reduce high cholesterol levels and shrugs off hunger since it contains 70 percent of monounsaturated fats. Additionally, it can also help detoxify your body due to its chlorophyll content, which naturally helps in eradicating heavy metals like lead and mercury from the kidney, liver, and other body organs. 

41. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Extra Virgin Olive  Oil is commonly used as a flavor enhancer particularly in salad dressings, cooked dishes, and vegetables. This oil is fully-loaded with antioxidants that help you remove several diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and even skin problems.  Extra Virgin Olive Oil contains monounsaturated fatty acids which can help you lower blood sugar levels, reduce the risk of heart disease as well as type 2 diabetes. Moreover, lowering the risk of cancer is another benefit that you can get from this oil. Studies have shown that regular consumption of Extra Virgin Olive Oil can eliminate saturated fats that can eventually stop the development of respiratory, colorectal, and breast cancer.

42. Sauerkraut

In 2013, Sauerkraut is studied to have a probiotic-rich extract that can reduce cholesterol levels according to the World Journal of Microbiology. This vegetable is a Lacto-fermented cabbage that can fight cancer and obesity since it has natural compound and slimming properties. Just like yogurt, Sauerkraut is also rich in Lactobacillus bacteria which can improve the healthy flora in the intestinal tract hence improving your overall health, especially the immune system. More important benefits from this vegetable are reducing macular degeneration, development of cataracts, as well as pain ad discomfort in the joints and muscles.

43. Watercress

Watercress is a green vegetable that is usually mixed into the salad. It is known to have a natural source of folate that can stimulate weight loss. This traditional British green veggie contains 0g fat, 3.7g calories, 0.2g fiber, 0.8g protein, and 0.4g of carbs in every cup. It is rich in vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to your skin since it has vitamin A and vitamin C, to keep the skin soft and smooth. It also contains lutein and zeaxanthin that is very helpful in maintaining good eyesight.

44. Sun-Dried Tomatoes

Lycopene, an antioxidant, is a popular content of sun-dried tomatoes. This is because lycopene is proven to be a good source in decreasing the risk of lung, skin, bladder, and prostate cancer as well as coronary artery disease. You can even enjoy this by adding it into your salad or pizza toppings without even knowing that you already have a good intake of vitamin A and vitamin K. Also, know that Sun-Dried Tomatoes have more potassium than bananas. It even has copper to strengthen the immune system.

45. Artichokes

Artichokes are one of the green veggies that has the highest protein counts among others. Whether boiled or eaten raw, it contains more fiber than kale and can provide 40 percent fiber for a woman’s daily needs. Artichokes contain a high amount of potassium, copper, phosphorus, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, vitamin B9, vitamin C, and vitamin K hence they can be great in boosting heart health, reduce the risk of cancer, promote a healthier liver, and ensure the elimination of body waste. Also, a study conducted in Cleveland concluded that a phenolic flavonoid, particularly silymarin, was found to be a skin cancer chemopreventive and thus lowering the risk of skin cancer. 

46. Salmon

Like other fatty fishes like Mackerel, Herrel, and Sardines, Salmon is also a good source of healthy fats called omega-3s. A fresh Salmon has a high amount of vitamin B complex that is used for repairing and even creating DNA, reduce inflammation, and process food into energy. Another benefit of the vitamin B complex is it can maintain a healthy nervous system, metabolic functions, and hormonal balance in the body. Improvement of the heart conditions can also be done especially the reduction of artery inflammation, fluid retention, high cholesterol levels, and even high blood pressures. 

47. Lentils

Lentils are rich in protein, iron, zinc, selenium, calcium, potassium, and more. The red lentils are naturally low in fat with 360 calories per gram. They are also highly digestible making them great for people who have serious intestinal issues, excess gas, and slow digestion. Lentils also contain fiber that supports a healthy flora and even digestive disorders. If you are looking for an excellent source of magnesium and folic acid to maintain a healthy heart, then Lentils should be on that list. It can reduce homocysteine, which is a heavy risk for a heart condition. Iron found in Lentils is also high enough to maintain a regular period for women as well as improving the iron deficiency in the blood.

48. Hummus

Hummus is a satiating dip that is made of chickpea, which is high in folate, iron, phosphorus, and vitamin B complex. This is also an excellent alternative for protein instead of eating red meats. Hummus has both garlic and olive oil which is known to be anti-inflammatory hence it has the ability to remove toxins out of the body. Chickpeas are also an excellent source of fiber which can decrease the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. Additionally, Hummus is full of copper that can help in maintaining a strong skeletal system as well as bone development and growth.

49. Peanut Butter

This creamy spread for your sandwiches can also be considered as a healthy food if consumed in just enough amount. In 2014, The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that the common type of heart condition such as cardiovascular and coronary artery disease can be prevented with the help of proper consumption of Peanut Butter. Unsalted, sugar-free Peanut Butter has phosphorus which is needed by every cell in the body to work normally. The biotin content also plays an essential role in repairing DNAs, the development of children, and regulating inflammation. Also, the manganese found in this healthy spread can help detoxify the liver as well as maintaining healthy bones.

50. Bison

According to the US Food and Drug Administration, a grass-fed Bison can be a substitute for other red meats since it is free of pollutants and hormones that can be exposed in the belly fat. A 90 percent lean hamburger can have an average of 10g of fat with 24g of protein, making it like the size of a buffalo burger rings with one of the leanest meats. Bison meat is considered to be healthier and more flavorful than grass-fed beef. It is even sustainable than beef and poultry. The essential nutrients found in Bison meat are protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B complex, etc. Also, the American Heart Association recommends consuming Bison meat as part of a healthy-heart diet.