Mulberries and blackberries are two of the most popular fruit trees in America. They are both small trees that can be grown in many different climates. They are also both fruit trees that produce a lot of fruit. Both mulberries and blackberries have red, green, and yellow fruits. Mulberries also have a small seed inside the fruit. Blackberries have a large seed inside the fruit. Mulberry and blackberry trees both need to be watered regularly. Mulberry trees also need to be fertilized occasionally. Blackberry trees also need to be fertilized occasionally. Both mulberries and blackberries can be grown in many different types of soils. Mulberry trees can also be grown in many different types of climates. Blackberry trees can also be grown in many different types of climates. Both mulberries and blackberries can be used for food purposes. Mulberry tree fruits can be eaten raw or cooked into a variety of dishes such as pies, jams, jellies, etc. Blackberry tree fruits can also be eaten raw or cooked into a variety of dishes such as pies, jams, jellies, etc.

So, when comparing mulberry vs. blackberry, which one is the suitable choice for your next recipe? Read on to find out!

A Detailed Comparison Between Mulberry and Blackberry

Mulberries and blackberries aren’t the same fruit, and they don’t belong to the same family, contrary to common belief. Here‘s a detailed comparison between the two berries and their properties.


Mulberries and blackberries are similar in shape, but there are some little giveaways. For example, blackberries are smaller and more fragile. Mulberries have a more oval shape, contrary to the blackberry’s round form.  On top of that, mulberries have a dark red color, while blackberries lean more towards dark purple. The color difference might not be evident except if you cut the fruits in half. It’s also worth noting that blackberries have different colors throughout their life phases. When they’re not ripe, they’ll be green, and then they’ll slowly progress to a red color. Then, when they’re mature, the red color will change to a dark purple that looks like black from a distance.


Blackberries are sweet; their taste is close to strawberries, but they have a tangy edge. Meanwhile, mulberries have a grassier taste, and they taste more like vegetables than fruits. They’re still sweet, but not as much as blackberries. If you’re using mulberries for desserts, you’ll have to add a lot of sugar to compensate for the taste. In comparison, you won’t have to do that with blackberries. 


Both blackberries and mulberries can be used in desserts, but as I briefly mentioned, mulberries need a lot of sugar. Their taste isn’t sweet enough to be used alone, but you can mix them with other berries for the best flavor.  Blackberries are generally a better option for baking pies and pancakes. They also serve well for jam and jelly. Mulberries taste best when mixed with blackberries. Meanwhile, blackberries are at their sweetest when they’re used alongside raspberries. The raspberries provide some sourness to the extra sweet taste, accounting for a balanced flavor overall.


Blackberries come from bushes, not from trees. Meanwhile, mulberries only grow on deciduous trees. That’s considered the significant difference between both because they grow in completely different conditions.  Blackberries grow like most other berries in vines or on trellis stakes. Unfortunately, that makes them prone to deer attacks in home gardens. Mulberries don’t share the same issue because they grow on high trees, so they’re hard to reach.  While blackberries keep fruiting year after year, mulberry trees may take years to grow fully and be able to produce fruits. They’re considered fast because they need less than ten years to develop, though.Fun fact: mulberry leaves are the only food silkworms feed on. So, countries with more mulberry trees will have better silkworm trades because they’ll have plenty of food to offer.