If you’re looking for a delicious and easy chicken rendang recipe that will make your home cooked meal taste like a luxury, then look no further than this Instant Pot chicken rendang recipe. This dish is perfect for those who love to cook, as it is very simple to make and requires just a few minutes of prep time. Plus, the Instant Pot chicken rendang is also very healthy because it contains plenty of healthy fats and proteins that will help you maintain your weight loss goals. So if you’re looking for an easy and delicious way to cook your own meal, then this Instant Pot chicken rendang recipe is the perfect choice for you!

How To Make Chicken Rendang

Where did Rendang Originate? It is a traditional food originating from West Sumatra and originally made by Minangkabau people.What is the Shelf Life Of Rendang – It has a very long shelf life and it is thought to be contributed by the spices used during the cooking process.  One of the interesting facts also is that any good rendang actually improves with age. The flavors intensify. The dish also freezes very well. What are the varieties of Rendang?Beef, Chicken and Fish are the most common. But you can also use Jackfruit or Tempeh/ Tofu to make a vegetarian version also. Prepare all your ingredients first as there are quite a few for this rendang dish and it helps to be organized. Prepare the Chicken. We cut up a whole chicken (see the video) because it adds more flavor – however you can easily use any cut of chicken to make this dish. Next – prepare your ingredients for the paste. Roughly cut galangal, ginger, turmeric, garlic (no need to chop just put in the blender), chili, shallots, and candlenuts ( use macadamia nuts if no candlenuts). Then add to the blender and blend for about 5 minutes until quite a fine paste. You will need to add some olive oil to get it to blend as a paste and stop the blender two or three times to scrape down the sides and re-blend. Turn the instant pot to sauté (add a little oil) and cook the paste for about 2-3 minutes. You can tell when it is ready as you will smell the fragrant aroma from the paste as the ingredients are cooked and they release their flavor. Then add the paprika, cumin, coriander, nutmeg and cinnamon and stir well. After about 1 minute then add in the coconut cream and mix well. Now add the lemongrass, bay leaves, kaffir lime, and turmeric leaf if you have it. Followed by the star anise and cloves. We also add one cup of chicken stock. Stir well and add the chicken and again stir well. Next, pinch the cardamom pods to break the shell and add-in. Season with salt, pepper, and some brown sugar. You are now ready to cook on High Pressure for 15 minutes and 10 minutes for natural release. After cooking – taste the Rendang gravy and see if it needs more seasoning. Use salt and pepper and sugar if it is a little tart.